Between Religion and Materialism

    In this era of 21st century, everything interconnects with science and sustainable development. With a general sense, all the new coming innovations and breakthrough achievements surpass the late of process in excellence.  New World Order has become the trend. In contrast, someone claim for ‘old is gold.’ Likewise, two polar edges’ distance can be seen in everything. Here, the question arises – Where does Islam stand in this polarization? What does Islam opine - Is Islam left or right, old or new, soft or hard, religion or science, spiritual or material? What’s does the ‘Islamic Moderation’ or ‘Moderate Islam’ and ‘wasatiyyah of Islam?’

    After some consequent historical turning-points like the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the incident of 9/11 in 2002 and the Arab Spring of 2011, media and mass academia used to describe Muslims affairs with  divisive terminologies like ‘good’ or ‘bad’, ‘extremist’ or ‘moderate’ especially focusing their politics. ‘Moderation’ is sometimes defined as becoming truly committed to the democratic practices. (“Islamic Moderation” in Perspectives) 

    In addition, universality and practical application are also highly concerned in relevance of an ideology or theory. The creation of nature and evaluation of its characters thoroughly befit with this reality. Islam, that encompasses the both of a pair i.e. left-right and faith-science, is rooted in dynamics universality of the nature.
 That’s what a popular saying about Islam indicates – it’s based on fitrah i.e. nature.

    Islam is synchronized, not polarized. As the life of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) proves ‘itself to be a union of love and force, the sublime and real, the divine and human’ and ‘explosive compound of religion and politics.’ It’s the Islamic inclusion of religion and science, faith and logic - a position of middle path. (Islam in the East and West)

    Whatsoever, Islam is the final way of life in body and soul out of either sole religion or materialism.   It’s the moderate path between two extreme edges. And this peculiarity of Islam has been proclaimed in its beginning.  

“And thus, we have made you a community of the middle way, so that you might bear to the truth before all mankind, and that the Messenger bears witness to it before you.”  (2:143)

    Interpreting the above verse of Holy Qur’an, scholars opine that Islam is naturally ‘a balance that equilibrates the two opposite ends.” It’s now explicit that Islam is the ‘middle ground’ not only in theology but, in politics too. This combined definition was furthermore developed by the westerners themselves.  The religion neither exaggerates nor understates. All rules and orders of Islam are neither of excessiveness nor negligence.  This is what the moderation or being wasatiyyah of Islam is meant indeed.

